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Blockster transition effect
Blockster is a general purpose jQuery plugin that adds a "block by block" transitional effect to element during their transition.
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SAG Content Scroller
SAG Scroller is a jQuery Content Scroller that takes a regular UL list and scrolls it upwards, one LI at a time and pausing in between.
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Recreating the Content Switcher with jQuery and CSS3
This article seeks to re-create the MLB content switcher with jQuery and several of CSS3's new features- border-radius, RGBA colors, opacity, and gradients.
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jQuery Bubble Engine
A delightful jQuery plugin that generates semi transparent bubbles that float around on your page!
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Fluid Text Resizer
A compact yet versatile jQuery based text resizer script with animation and persistence of text size.
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How to Create Sleek Sliding Box Effect With jQuery
This article shows you how to create boxes that slide in from different corners using jQuery and CSS.
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Animated Landscape Using CSS and jQuery
This tutorial shows you how to create take a landscape background image and have it come alive with various moving objects using jQuery.
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Featured Image Zoomer
A jQuery script to view a magnified portion of any image upon moving your mouse over it. A very useful script to use on product images, photos etc.
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24 Irresistible jQuery Tips to Power Up Your JavaScript Skills
A nice assortment of general jQuery coding tips, such as storing data in jQuery, logging to the Firebug console etc.
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8 jQuery Micro Optimization Tips
A few tips on creating optimized jQuery code that aren't dramatic but still worth keeping in mind.